What Are the Pros and Cons of Getting a Kidney Transplant

Getting a kidney transplant was one of the most exciting times of my life. It was also one of the scariest times. I was able to celebrate almost 5 years with that transplanted kidney before it rejected, but I don’t regret the experience one bit.

In my mission to share my story and well as the stories of other kidney warriors from around the globe, the video below highlights the journey of a person who is celebrating a 3 year kidneyversary, while at the same time knowing that the health of their transplant may be trending in a bad direction.

Please take a moment to watch the video to understand some of the pros and cons of getting a kidney transplant.

Eric Coleman

That picture is of me during one of my many kidney dialysis sessions where I live in Orting, Washington USA. Journey with me as I share my kidney story as .well as the stories of many other kidney warriors from around the world

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